I am an Associate Professor at the department of Communication and Internet Studies of the Cyprus University of Technology where I lead the Persuasive Technologies Lab . My work focuses on the design and evaluation of pervasive computing systems with a focus on the experiential and social consequences of their adoption. I hold a PhD (cum laude) from Eindhoven University of Technology on methods and tools for user experience evaluation, entitled Quantifying Diversity in User Experience .
My Curriculum Vitae and the full list of publications along with their impact at google scholar .
- I will be giving a keynote speech at the ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT) 2022.
- I will be giving a keynote at Persuasive Technology 2022 that takes place on March 29-31, 2022. The conference will be virtual this year due to COVID-19. Registration is open and free.
- CHI'20 workshop on the Detection and design for cognitive biases in people and computing systems . Submit by Feb 11, 2020!
- We're inviting submissions to the edited book on Advances in Longitudinal HCI Research !
- Full paper at CHI'19 on a review of Nudging in HCI
- I'm co-chairing the short papers track for Interact 2019 . Submit by April 8!
- We’re proudly hosting Persuasive’19 in Limassol, from April 9 to 11, 2019.Submit by Nov 19!
- I'm co-chairing the courses track for ACM CHI’19 . Send your proposals by October 17!
- Full paper at CHI'18 on Activing tracking in vivo
- Acting as program co-chair for the Persuasive Technology 2018 conference. Submit by Nov 11!
- We received the best paper and the best poster award at Persuasive Technology 2017 conference. Read more here .
- Full paper at Ubicomp'16 on Glanceable Feedback for Physical Activity Trackers
- Our journal article on Activity Tracking and Psychological Wellbeing is attracting some media attention. [ 1 ], [ 2 ]. Read our blog article here .
- Since January 2016, I have moved to Cyprus University of Technology. I'm setting up a new lab on technologies for behavior change and reflection .
- We received an honorable mention award for the paper How Do We Engage with Activity Trackers? A Longitudinal Study of Habito . Read more here .
- Strong presence at Ubicomp'15. Read more here
Some past activities
- CMU Portugal Early Birds project proposal approved. Setting up a great team on designing for long term engagement with wearable activity trackers
- Interesting in doing a PhD with me? Apply here by Nov 5th, 2014.
- Our paper on Footprint tracker: supporting diary studies with lifelogging was presented at CHI 2013
- Submit by May 15, 2013 - 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation - Mobile devices as sensors on understanding human-behavior, routines and context inference
- The book is out!
- ACing for CHI 2013, PCing for Ubimi . Submit!
- Join our CHI 2012 workshop on Theories, methods and case studies of longitudinal HCI research . Deadline for submissions: Jan 13, 2012.
- Invited talk at the Long-Term User Experience Seminar in Tampere. Find the slides here .
- My PhD thesis was nominated for the TU/e Doctoral Project Award 2011 . It also gives me an excuse to catch up with friends and colleagues in Eindhoven.
- Associate chair for CHI 2012 and Interact 2011 , Short papers co-chair at Desire 2011
- I will be presenting a hands-on course on Measuring the User Experience at the UCIT Summer School on Product User Experience , in Tampere, Finland, August 2010.
- I will be joining the Dagstuhl seminar on Demarcating User Experience , 15-18 September 2010.
- Invited talks at TU Delft Design Aesthetics Section (28 June 2010), SIGCHI Finland – Helsinki (1 Sept 2010) and Nokia Research Center – Tampere (2 Sept 2010).
- I will be visiting the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute , 1-13 May 2010.
- I visited the Virtual Knowledge Studio on March 17, where I presented my research proposal on CognitiveNet .
- I was awarded my PhD (cum laude) on 23 March 2010. A press release in English and Dutch , and the full text .
- I strongly recommend Daniel Kahneman’s TED talk on The riddle of experience vs. memory . See also our work on iScale , the long paper , and a brief summary .
- You are warmly invited to the mini-symposium on Diversity in User Experience, preceding my PhD defense on the 23rd of March at 1pm , at zaal 1, Zwarte Doos, Eindhoven University of Technology. Seating is limited, priority will be given to the ones who have registered. More information and registration at: http://ekarapanos.com/symposium/